DHL is typically 2-5 days, FedEx is usually 4-8 days, standard shipping is generally 10-15 days. However, the specific time may vary depending on the distance of the region. For more details, please refer to the Shipping Policy page.
It was pretty much what I expected. What I was concerned about was the lack of directions. The 2nd thing I am afraid to intall it and run through the car wash. I am trying to figure out a way to be able to remove it quickly and easily before driving through the car wash.
Troy skinner
GMC logo
It works and it looks good at night
Shelby Linder
Fondness for the Lights
I am fond of the lights! Being liked doesn't mean being without any defect; the LED light beads inside are a bit visible, causing the light to be uneven.
Amazon Customer
Thrilled by Brightness Adjustment and Colors
Thrilled that it can adjust the brightness. And all the attractive color combinations. Well worth the money.