DHL is typically 2-5 days, FedEx is usually 4-8 days, standard shipping is generally 10-15 days. However, the specific time may vary depending on the distance of the region. For more details, please refer to the Shipping Policy page.
The installation position of the car emblem must be cleaned thoroughly. Otherwise, it will affect the stickiness of the 3M adhesive.
Super Strong Tape: A Tip for Emblem Installation
To my surprise the tape on the back is super strong. I recommend cleaning the spot you are going to put them in. I cleaned mine with alcohol wipes before installing. No instructions. My experience with that kinda tape is that it sticks better if you clean the surface first.
Adam Pan
Reviving Old Car's Soul with a New Emblem
Im genuinely surprised; I bought this emblem for my old car, and it feels like Ive given the car a new soul.