DHL is typically 2-5 days, FedEx is usually 4-8 days, standard shipping is generally 10-15 days. However, the specific time may vary depending on the distance of the region. For more details, please refer to the Shipping Policy page.
Looks freaking amazing 🤩 got both front and back my gmc looks mamalona as she should !!!
Robert S.
Brightness Brings Peace of Mind: Luminous Emblem
I love the brightness of this luminous rear emblem; it's not only aesthetically pleasing but also gives me peace of mind.
James Black
Durable Material: High-Quality Luminous Emblem
The material of this luminous rear emblem is excellent and has high durability.
Heavy Traffic Bearable: Emblem's Nighttime Appeal
I have to commute through heavy traffic every day, and these make the experience that much more bearable. Even when I'm stuck in a jam at night, it's still amazing.
Jesse Elliott
Revitalizing Appearance: Emblem for Old Car
I bought this emblem for my old car, and it's amazing! It instantly revitalized my beloved vehicle and boosted its appearance.