DHL is typically 2-5 days, FedEx is usually 4-8 days, standard shipping is generally 10-15 days. However, the specific time may vary depending on the distance of the region. For more details, please refer to the Shipping Policy page.
The GMC emblem that arrived was broken. I contacted them and they did a replacement for me.
Cracked GMC Emblem Notified and Replaced
The GMC emblem I received was cracked. I notified them and they replaced it for me.
Judgement of the Brilliant Lights
I judge the lights to be brilliant! Being brilliant doesn't mean being without flaw; the LED light beads inside are slightly detectable, leading to the unevenness of the light output.
Thorough Cleaning of the Car Emblem Installation Location
The location of the car emblem installation must be cleaned thoroughly. Or it will make the 3M adhesive not so sticky.
Thomas J. Oday Jr.
Fine Quality Car Emblem
The car emblem is of fine quality. It's easy to clean and maintain, and always looks sharp.