DHL is typically 2-5 days, FedEx is usually 4-8 days, standard shipping is generally 10-15 days. However, the specific time may vary depending on the distance of the region. For more details, please refer to the Shipping Policy page.
I've had my RGB light for about a month, and it's a sight to cherish. It's more durable than comparable lights, and the waterproofing is an amazing attribute.
Brightness and Color Delight: A Happy Choice
The brightness and color of the light are just right; Im very happy with this choice.
There were definitely a lot of problems during the installation, but I was lucky to have caring customer service that provided timely answers and resolved the installation challenges. Thanks for their help.
The Polymath Workshop
Perfect Match: Emblem Light Enhances Chevrolet Silverado
I had been looking for a suitable emblem light and finally found this one that fits perfectly on my Chevrolet Silverado, enhancing the overall appearance beautifully!
Fun, Cheap Car Upgrade with Strong Stickies
Took about an hour with no experience or watching videos. Stickies are strong. It was something fun and cheap to put on my car and I love it.